Driving under the influence is a criminal act that can have serious consequences for both the driver and those nearby. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about DUI laws in your state, including the penalties for driving while intoxicated. Palm Beach Gardens DUI lawyer also provides a resource guide on…
Accused of a Crime Why You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney Michigan
A criminal defense attorney Michigan can provide services to people who have entered the criminal court process on the wrong side of the law. Criminal lawyers argue the defendant’s case either to the prosecutor or in the court room as a means of either having the sentence for the defendant’s crime minimized to the fullest…
3 Tax-Saving Tips About Divorce
Divorce proceedings can be overwhelming and stressful, thinking about taxes while going through a divorce is probably the last thing on your mind. However, you need to have a clear understanding about how taxes will affect you before you settle your divorce. Divorce attorney in Riverside CA offers 3 important, tax-saving tips that you need…
Dos and Don’ts of Finding Your Criminal Defense Attorney
When you have been accused of criminal charges, irrespective of the penalty that you are expecting one thing you should avoid is taking it lightly. You can never really be careful enough as far as picking the right criminal defense attorney to fight your case is concerned. There are a few things to avoid and…
Florida’s 2nd DCA says audio recordings are not Public Record
For those of you old enough to remember, there used to be a live court reporter in each court room for criminal proceedings. To save money, the Sixth Judicial Circuit stopped court reporters in misdemeanor proceedings about six years ago. Shortly thereafter, the court did away with any live court reporters in felony court proceedings….
When can the police search my house in Florida?
Can the police search my house after I’ve been arrested? A police misconduct attorney at www.rizklaw.com can explain the question to you very well. Probably not. Unless you invited them in to search, or some one else who lives in your house did, or you were arrested in your home. But if you were arrested…
Pasco County deputies Chase Driver up US 19 at 130mph
This morning in the Tampa Tribune there was a story about a driver who refused to stop and led the police on a 27 mile chase into Hernando County reaching speeds of 130mph. You can read it yourself. Does this mean the police were chasing him up US 19 at 130mph? Does the public’s safety…
New US Supreme Court ruling affects Floridians
On April 21, 2009, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down an opinion which will directly affect the manner in which law enforcement in Florida, and across the country, can search vehicles during traffic stops. Prior to this decision, law enforcement typically searched a vehicle once the driver or a passenger was arrested for any crime, even…
Should I Lie to the Police?
I was reading a recent case from Florida’s Third District Court of Appeals where a juvenile driver was stopped for an expired tag. The officer decided not to give him a citation since the tag was only 10 days expired. As the officer was about to let him go, the officer asked, “[I]s there anything on you or in this…
When do the police have the right to enter my house in Florida?
This is a question that comes up time and time again and every legal answer seems to be a little different and the reason for that is every circumstance is different. Once again, it depends. The police only have the right to enter your house when: You give them consent to enter, or someone else…